All games from bootleg (ordered by year)
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Cabinet Name Status Year Manufacturer ROM
Space Invaders Part Four good 1978 bootleg invader4
Space War Part 3 imperfect 1978 bootleg spacewr3
Astro Combat (newer, CB) imperfect 1979 bootleg acombat
Astro Combat (older, PZ) imperfect 1979 bootleg acombato
Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware) good 1979 bootleg asteroidb
Destination Earth imperfect 1979 bootleg desterth
Galaxian (bootleg) good 1979 bootleg galaxbsf
Smash (Crash bootleg) imperfect 1979 bootleg smash
Solar Fight good 1979 bootleg solfight
Super Star Battle imperfect 1979 bootleg sstarbtl
Star Wars good 1979 bootleg starw
Super Crash (bootleg of Head On) preliminar 1979 bootleg supcrash
Caterpillar good 1980 bootleg caterplr
Crazy Climber (bootleg set 1) good 1980 bootleg ccboot
Crazy Climber (bootleg set 2) good 1980 bootleg ccboot2
Centipede (bootleg) good 1980 bootleg centipdb
Defense Command good 1980 bootleg defcmnd
Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) good 1980 bootleg falcon
Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) good 1980 bootleg falconz
Fenix (bootleg of Phoenix) preliminar 1980 bootleg fenix
Gingateikoku No Gyakushu (bootleg set 2) good 1980 bootleg gteikob2
Gingateikoku No Gyakushu (bootleg set 1) good 1980 bootleg gteikokb
Magic Worm (bootleg) good 1980 bootleg magworm
Moon Cresta (Galaxian hardware) good 1980 bootleg mooncrgx
Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2) good 1980 bootleg mooncrs2
Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1) good 1980 bootleg mooncrsb
Super Earth Invasion (set 1) good 1980 bootleg searthin
Super Earth Invasion (set 2) good 1980 bootleg searthina
Sky Raider (Uniwars bootleg) good 1980 bootleg skyraidr
Space Battle (bootleg set 2) good 1980 bootleg spacbat2
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