![Pepper II (version 7)](../snapsmall/MS_1411.html) | Pepper II (version 7) (clone of: pepper2) | 1982 | Exidy | pepper27 | | 0.00 |
![Pepper II (version 8)](../snapsmall/MS_1411.html) | Pepper II (version 8) | 1982 | Exidy | pepper2 | Maze / Outline | 2.93 |
| PEPSI Man | 1997 | Sigma | pepsiman | | 0.00 |
| Percussion Freaks 3rd Mix (G*A23 VER. KAA) | 2000 | Konami | pcnfrk3m | | 0.00 |
![Perestroika Girls](../snapsmall/MS_3026.html) | Perestroika Girls | 1994 | Promat | perestro | Puzzle / Outline *Mature* | 7.33 |
![Perestroika Girls (Fuuki license)](../snapsmall/MS_3026.html) | Perestroika Girls (Fuuki license) (clone of: perestro) | 1993 | Promat (Fuuki license) | perestrof | | 0.00 |
![Perfect Billiard](../snapsmall/MS_2823.html) | Perfect Billiard | 1987 | Nihon System | pbillrd | Sports / Pool | 7.89 |
![Perfect Billiard (MC-8123, 317-0030)](../snapsmall/MS_2823.html) | Perfect Billiard (MC-8123, 317-0030) (clone of: pbillrd) | 1987 | Nihon System | pbillrds | Sports / Pool | 0.00 |
| Perfect Game (Russia) | 1969 | WMS | perfect | | 0.00 |
![Perfect Soldiers (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_3034.html) | Perfect Soldiers (Japan) (clone of: ssoldier) | 1993 | Irem | psoldier | Fighter / Versus | 0.00 |
![Performan (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_3031.html) | Performan (Japan) | 1985 | Toaplan / Data East Corporation | perfrman | Maze / Shooter Small | 7.00 |
![Performan (US)](../snapsmall/MS_3031.html) | Performan (US) (clone of: perfrman) | 1985 | Toaplan / Data East USA | perfrmanu | | 0.00 |
| Pesadelo (bootleg of Knightmare on MSX) | 1989 | bootleg (Forte II Games) / Konami | pesadelo | | 0.00 |
![Pest Place](../snapsmall/MS_667.jpg) | Pest Place (clone of: mario) | 1983 | bootleg | pestplce | Platform / Run Jump | 0.00 |
| Petaco | 1984 | Juegos Populares | petaco | | 0.00 |
| Petaco 2 | 1985 | Juegos Populares | petaco2 | | 0.00 |
![Peter Pack-Rat](../snapsmall/MS_3033.html) | Peter Pack-Rat | 1984 | Atari Games | peterpak | Platform / Run Jump | 8.14 |
![Peter Pan (bootleg of Hook)](../snapsmall/MS_3032.html) | Peter Pan (bootleg of Hook) (clone of: hook) | 1992 | bootleg | ppan | | 0.00 |
![Peter Pepper](../snapsmall/MS_3030.html) | Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette, set 1) | 1984 | Data East Corporation | cppicf | Platform / Run Jump | 10.00 |
![Peter Pepper](../snapsmall/MS_3030.html) | Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette, set 2) (clone of: cppicf) | 1984 | Data East Corporation | cppicf2 | Platform / Run Jump | 0.00 |