![The Legend of Kage](../snapsmall/MS_4251.html) | The Legend of Kage | 1984 | Taito Corporation | lkage | Fighter / 2D | 6.38 |
![The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 1)](../snapsmall/MS_4251.html) | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 1) (clone of: lkage) | 1984 | bootleg | lkageb | Fighter / 2D | 0.00 |
![The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 2)](../snapsmall/MS_4251.html) | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 2) (clone of: lkage) | 1984 | bootleg | lkageb2 | Fighter / 2D | 0.00 |
![The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3)](../snapsmall/MS_4251.html) | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3) (clone of: lkage) | 1984 | bootleg | lkageb3 | Fighter / 2D | 0.00 |
![The Legend of Kage (older)](../snapsmall/MS_4251.html) | The Legend of Kage (older) (clone of: lkage) | 1984 | Taito Corporation | lkageo | | 0.00 |
![The Legend of Kage (oldest)](../snapsmall/MS_4251.html) | The Legend of Kage (oldest) (clone of: lkage) | 1984 | Taito Corporation | lkageoo | | 0.00 |
![The Legend of Silkroad](../snapsmall/MS_4250.html) | The Legend of Silkroad | 1999 | Unico | silkroad | Fighter / 2.5D | 8.25 |
![The Lord of King (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_2713.html) | The Lord of King (Japan) (clone of: astyanax) | 1989 | Jaleco | lordofk | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 0.00 |
| The Lost Castle In Darkmist | 1986 | Taito Corporation | darkmist | | 8.25 |
| The Lost World | 1997 | Sega | lostwsga | Unplayable | 7.60 |
| The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-2) (clone of: bop_l7) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l2 | | 0.00 |
| The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-3) (clone of: bop_l7) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l3 | | 0.00 |
| The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-4) (clone of: bop_l7) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l4 | | 0.00 |
| The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-5) (clone of: bop_l7) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l5 | | 0.00 |
| The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-6) (clone of: bop_l7) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l6 | | 0.00 |
| The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-7) | 1992 | Williams | bop_l7 | | 0.00 |
![The Mah-jong (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_2849.html) | The Mah-jong (Japan) | 1987 | Visco | themj | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 0.00 |
![The Main Event (2 Players ver. X)](../snapsmall/MS_1804.jpg) | The Main Event (2 Players ver. X) (clone of: mainevt) | 1988 | Konami | mainevt2p | | 0.00 |
![The Main Event (4 Players ver. F)](../snapsmall/MS_1804.jpg) | The Main Event (4 Players ver. F) (clone of: mainevt) | 1988 | Konami | mainevto | Wrestling | 0.00 |
![The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y)](../snapsmall/MS_1804.jpg) | The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y) | 1988 | Konami | mainevt | Wrestling | 6.76 |