![Super Speed Race](../snapsmall/MS_1690.html) | Super Speed Race | 1979 | Midway | sspeedr | Driving / Race | 6.67 |
![Super Star Battle](../snapsmall/MS_190.jpg) | Super Star Battle (clone of: astrof) (sample of: astrof) | 1979 | bootleg | sstarbtl | | 0.00 |
| Superman (Pinball) | 1979 | Atari | supermap | | 0.00 |
| Supersonic | 1979 | Bally | sst | | 0.00 |
![Swarm (bootleg?)](../snapsmall/MS_236.jpg) | Swarm (bootleg?) (clone of: galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg? (Subelectro) | swarm | Shooter / Gallery | 0.00 |
| System 1 with sound board | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1s | | 0.00 |
![Tailgunner](../snapsmall/MS_1091.html) | Tailgunner (sample of: tailg) | 1979 | Cinematronics | tailg | Shooter / Flying 1st Person | 9.26 |
| Taurus (Shuffle) (L-1) | 1979 | Williams | taurs_l1 | | 0.00 |
| Time Warp (L-2) | 1979 | Williams | tmwrp_l2 | | 0.00 |
| Time Warp (T-2) (clone of: tmwrp_l2) | 1979 | Williams | tmwrp_t2 | | 0.00 |
| Totem | 1979 | Gottlieb | totem | | 0.00 |
| Trident | 1979 | Stern | trident | | 0.00 |
![Tunnel Hunt](../snapsmall/MS_1086.html) | Tunnel Hunt | 1979 | Atari | tunhunt | Shooter / Flying 1st Person | 2.50 |
| Vegas (Game Plan) | 1979 | Game Plan | vegasgp | | 0.00 |
![Video Pinball](../snapsmall/MS_2504.jpg) | Video Pinball | 1979 | Atari | videopin | Pinball | 6.00 |
![Warrior](../snapsmall/MS_1589.html) | Warrior (sample of: warrior) | 1979 | Vectorbeam | warrior | Fighter / Field | 5.00 |
![Yosaku To Donbei (set 1)](../snapsmall/MS_2906.jpg) | Yosaku To Donbei (set 1) (sample of: invaders) | 1979 | Wing | yosakdon | Shooter / Gallery | 6.00 |
![Yosaku To Donbei (set 2)](../snapsmall/MS_2906.jpg) | Yosaku To Donbei (set 2) (clone of: yosakdon) (sample of: invaders) | 1979 | Wing | yosakdona | | 0.00 |
![Zero Time](../snapsmall/MS_236.jpg) | Zero Time (clone of: galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg? (Petaco S.A.) | zerotime | Shooter / Gallery | 0.00 |