| Tennis (bootleg of Pro Tennis) | 1982 | bootleg | protennb | | 0.00 |
![The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea](../snapsmall/MS_2012.html) | The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea | 1982 | Pacific Novelty | mrflea | Platform / Run Jump | 4.00 |
![The Anteater (UK)](../snapsmall/MS_3180.jpg) | The Anteater (UK) (clone of: anteater) | 1982 | Tago Electronics (Free Enterprise Games license | anteateruk | | 0.00 |
![The Bounty](../snapsmall/MS_4209.html) | The Bounty | 1982 | Orca | bounty | Driving / Boat | 0.00 |
![The Electric Yo-Yo (set 1)](../snapsmall/MS_7.html) | The Electric Yo-Yo (set 1) | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | elecyoyo | Maze | 7.00 |
![The Electric Yo-Yo (set 2)](../snapsmall/MS_7.html) | The Electric Yo-Yo (set 2) (clone of: elecyoyo) | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | elecyoyo2 | | 0.00 |
![The Pit](../snapsmall/MS_286.html) | The Pit | 1982 | Zilec Electronics | thepit | Maze / Digging | 7.93 |
![The Pit (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_286.html) | The Pit (Japan) (clone of: thepit) | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Taito license) | thepitj | | 0.00 |
![The Pit (US, set 1)](../snapsmall/MS_286.html) | The Pit (US, set 1) (clone of: thepit) | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Centuri license) | thepitu1 | | 0.00 |
![The Pit (US, set 2)](../snapsmall/MS_286.html) | The Pit (US, set 2) (clone of: thepit) | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Centuri license) | thepitu2 | | 0.00 |
| Thunderball (P-1) | 1982 | Williams | thund_p1 | | 0.00 |
| Time Fantasy (L-5) | 1982 | Williams | tmfnt_l5 | | 0.00 |
![Time Pilot](../snapsmall/MS_464.html) | Time Pilot | 1982 | Konami | timeplt | Shooter / Field | 5.83 |
![Time Pilot (Atari)](../snapsmall/MS_464.html) | Time Pilot (Atari) (clone of: timeplt) | 1982 | Konami (Atari license) | timeplta | Shooter / Field | 0.00 |
![Time Pilot (Centuri)](../snapsmall/MS_464.html) | Time Pilot (Centuri) (clone of: timeplt) | 1982 | Konami (Centuri license) | timepltc | Shooter / Field | 0.00 |
![Time Tunnel](../snapsmall/MS_4249.jpg) | Time Tunnel | 1982 | Taito Corporation | timetunl | Maze | 7.41 |
| Titan | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | titan | | 0.00 |
| Titan (alternate set) (clone of: titan) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | titan1 | | 0.00 |
![Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)](../snapsmall/MS_1249.html) | Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) (clone of: polepos) | 1982 | bootleg | topracern | | 0.00 |
![Tornado (DECO Cassette)](../snapsmall/MS_4339.html) | Tornado (DECO Cassette) | 1982 | Data East Corporation | ctornado | Shooter / Gallery | 0.00 |