All games from Epos Corporation (ordered by year)
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Cabinet Name Status Year Manufacturer ROM
Catapult preliminar 1982 Epos Corporation catapult
Atlantic City Action good 1983 Epos Corporation acitya
Boardwalk Casino good 1983 Epos Corporation bwcasino
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) good 1983 Epos Corporation sprglobp
Super Glob good 1983 Epos Corporation suprglob
The Glob good 1983 Epos Corporation theglob
The Glob (earlier) good 1983 Epos Corporation theglob2
The Glob (set 3) good 1983 Epos Corporation theglob3
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware) good 1983 Epos Corporation theglobp
Beastie Feastie good 1984 Epos Corporation beastf
The Dealer preliminar 1984 Epos Corporation dealer
Drakton (DK conversion) good 1984 Epos Corporation drakton
Drakton (DKJr conversion) good 1984 Epos Corporation drktnjr
IGMO preliminar 1984 Epos Corporation igmo
Revenger preliminar 1984 Epos Corporation revenger
Street Heat good 1985 Epos Corporation strtheat